Thursday, February 23, 2006

Camtech Server Install and test (part1)

Just installed Camtech's Server which handles secure payments services via the Web. I knew that this will not be the only time installing and configuring the server so I wrote a quick manual to do the setup and test it in one go without going through the documentation (not that the documenation is bad in any way, it is very neat).


Downloaded the Version 6.2.0 of the Camtech Merchant Server

FTP site:
Login: channel
Password: CamtKeyCorp

Execute installer:


And installed it under (for example):


Configure the MerchantServer….execute batch file

E:\Tools\MerchantServer\bin\ ConfigurationTool

IP Address: Whatever address you get when running “ipconfig” command. e.g.

SMTP mail host:

Outgoing mail server

Administrator Email Address

The email address where the certificate will be sent to.

Generate Keys will generate the keypair

Request Certificate will send the certificate to the Administrator mail address

Import Certificate is used to import the emailed certificate to the MerchantServer, don’t forget to Apply.

Don’t worry about the Gateways tab unless you bump into problems later on.

For testing

Set classpath so it can compile the file:

Update the

I had to do 3 things:

1. Change the path to the “merchantserver.config” file

2. Change the MERCANT_ID and the PASSWORD to the configured ones.

private static final String CONFIG_FILE =




* The Merchant's details, as configured in the Camtech E-Commerce Configuration

* Tool.


private static final String MERCHANT_ID = "mytestID";

private static final String PASSWORD = "pass123";

Set the classpath, make sure to have the MerchantServer.jar, iaik_jce.jar, activation.jar as well as the Example java folder in the classpath.


Run a test (need to set System property “root.install” to the root directory where the Merchant is installed) server connected to the Payment Gateway and approved my creditcard :)


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