Config Eclipse for Web development - 3 steps
Just a fast track to set-up eclipse with WTP, Tomcat , configure it and write a small web application to test the environment.
Step 1.
Download and Install latest Eclipse SDK
Step 2.
Download and install an application server (tomcat in this case)
Step 3.
Download ( and Install WTP (Web Tools Platform). Just unzip this archived file to the same folder as your eclipse home folder. The new wtp plugins should appear in the plugin folder.
Use this tutortial to configure and develop a small application to test the environment. Notice that we have already done the first step (Getting started, so skip that part).
That's it!!
Extra - Another useful plug-ins for Ecplise
QuantumDB - A database access plug-in for the Eclipse
1. Install plugin and restart Eclipse, Go to Window-Show View-Other-QuantumDB-Database Bookmarks.
2. Choose "New bookmark" in Database Bookmark window and "Add Driver"
3. Add a .jar for you db driver (e.g mysql-connector-java-3.1.7-bin.jar ) for MySQL.
4. Browse for Class name (e.g com.mysql.jdbc.Driver)
5. Enter username and password and the name of the database to connect to.
You should now be able to see the relations in the database.